
Roberto Traven BJJ

Friday, August 19, 2011

Stop Wasting Your Time And Money!

Attention: If you are sensitive or too weak to hear the truth don't read this.  Or better yet do read it but have some tissues available, because it is about time you hear the truth and face reality.

Would you go to an expensive fancy restaurant and be satisfied with mediocre food and service? Would you pay to have repairs done on your vehicle or home and appreciate a shitty job?  I am assuming that if you are an intelligent human being your answer is no.  So, then why do some of you (or most of you) pay for a gym membership only to come in and participate (workout) half-ass?  If you are at a legitamate gym then you most likely pay a decent amount a month for membership dues.  This money adds up over a 12 month membership; it is probably more than you pay for your maintenance on your vehicle.  This is an acceptable investment though as you can always get another car but only have one body.  Now with this in mind back to the original question... "Why half-ass the workouts?" Just showing up isn't enough. You would probably like to think so but it isn't.  It may make you feel better about yourself but why? Because you got off your couch and drove to the gym instead of McDonalds?  Come on! If that is what it takes to make you feel better about yourself then pay me the money you would give the gym and I will meet you outside the gym doors everyday and lie to you with some bullshit compliment and you can save your time.  After all you don't really want to workout anyway or you would bust your ass while there.  You just want to be able to tell yourself and your friends that you went to the gym that day.  You still can do that as you drove to the gym to get your "feel good, bullshit compliment". 

If this is touching a nerve right now then I am probably describing you.  If so then you have a choice... Either quit crying and complaining about the instructor/trainer making the classes or warmups too hard and shut the hell up and work harder for real results and a real reason to brag to yourself and your fat ass friends. OR... Contact me and lets workout a payment option for you to pay me to lie to you and tell you that you are looking much better and the "hard work" (LMFAO!) is paying off.  Either way I don't really care.  I'm just tired of having to persuade you to do what you are paying me to tell you to do or watch other instructors trying to do the same.  Now understand I know there is a difference between motivating someone and having to beg and plead for someone to do something.  If you really think about it you know it too.  If you don't the next time you take a class look around after the instructor says something those moving and pushing themselves are being motivated and those standing around feeling as if it is too hard and resting while the instructor is repeating theirself (probably you) are the ones having to get begged to do the exercise.  JUST F-ING DO IT! DAMN!

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